Solutions and services in the payment industry

Industry players we love to work with
Cards issuers
POS & ATM acquirers
Schemes & Processors
BIN sponsors
Fund transfers
Discover B-Cephal by FinFlag
One of our key offering is the scheme invoice monitoring, including automatic scheme invoice relenvancy check, along with forecast, benchmark and sensitivity analysis functions
Awards & Community

European Payment Association – Finalist best back office innovation

Member of FinTech Belgium
Selected in PwC scale Fintech 2021 program

Sponsor of the Banking Scene 2022

Member of the Payments Association EU
Why FinFlag?
Dedicated to the Payments industry
Gain time in implementation and benefit from knowledge and best practices thanks to the cumulated expertise materialised in the solution
Team of senior experts
Our team talks your language and understands your business concepts and challenges in the payments industry, being local or global
No code solutions
Reduce significantly the time for implementation as well as the IT involvement in specification, parameterization, test & evolution phases