Merchant acquirer Case

One of the largest merchant acquirer group in the Benelux, growing fast organically and via M&A, has decided to consolidate merchant billing, acquiring accounting, cash position monitoring and daily clearing & settlement reconciliation on one single platform. After a RFP process, B-Cephal has been chosen as the back-office platform for the organisation.

Key metrics

30 000




15 M


80 M



The objective was to consolidate all back-office operation on one single harmonised platform accross schemes (local and global) and processors.

The scope adresses reconcilication (clearing & settlement), billing (gross, net, pseudogross), accounting (EOM closing) and cash monitoring (prefunding and settlement).

The implementation has been phased, starting with the reconciliation mdoule and ending with the biiling/accounting modules.

The waterfall methodology was chosen for the implementation of the reconcitiion module while an agile methodology has been chosen for the billing/accounting module.

The first phase was live in production 3 months after the start of the project. The end-to-end implementation took 12 months.

Client’s testimonial

Walid Smine

The B-Cephal no code platform allows business consultants to deploy customized mass billing solution in a few days. The solution addresses the end-to-end business process from invoice generation to invoice collection


  • Agile methodology

  • Harmonized processes

  • Automated reconciliation

  • Mass billing

  • Cash position monitoring

  • Automated EOM closing

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